The following functions can't be defined at Init.Data.List.Basic
, because they depend on Init.Util
and Init.Util
depends on Init.Data.List.Basic
Alternative getters #
get! #
Returns the i
-th element in the list (zero-based).
If the index is out of bounds (i ≥ as.length
), this function panics when executed, and returns
. See get?
and getD
for safer alternatives.
getLast! #
Returns the last element in the list.
If the list is empty, this function panics when executed, and returns default
See getLast
and getLastD
for safer alternatives.
- [].getLast! = panicWithPosWithDecl "Init.Data.List.BasicAux" "List.getLast!" 44 13 "empty list"
- (a :: as).getLast! = (a :: as).getLast ⋯
Head and tail #
head! #
Returns the first element in the list.
If the list is empty, this function panics when executed, and returns default
See head
and headD
for safer alternatives.
- [].head! = panicWithPosWithDecl "Init.Data.List.BasicAux" "List.head!" 58 12 "empty list"
- (a :: as).head! = a
tail! #
Drops the first element of the list.
If the list is empty, this function panics when executed, and returns the empty list.
See tail
and tailD
for safer alternatives.
- [].tail! = panicWithPosWithDecl "Init.Data.List.BasicAux" "List.tail!" 70 13 "empty list"
- (a :: as).tail! = as
partitionM #
Monadic generalization of List.partition
This uses Array.toList
and which isn't imported by Init.Data.List.Basic
or Init.Data.List.Control
def posOrNeg (x : Int) : Except String Bool :=
if x > 0 then pure true
else if x < 0 then pure false
else throw "Zero is not positive or negative"
partitionM posOrNeg [-1, 2, 3] = Except.ok ([2, 3], [-1])
partitionM posOrNeg [0, 2, 3] = Except.error "Zero is not positive or negative"
- List.partitionM p l = List.partitionM.go p l #[] #[]
Auxiliary for partitionM
partitionM.go p l acc₁ acc₂
returns (acc₁.toList ++ left, acc₂.toList ++ right)
if partitionM p l
returns (left, right)
- List.partitionM.go p [] x✝ x = pure (x✝.toList, x.toList)
- List.partitionM.go p (x_3 :: xs) x✝ x = do let __do_lift ← p x_3 if __do_lift = true then List.partitionM.go p xs (x✝.push x_3) x else List.partitionM.go p xs x✝ (x.push x_3)
partitionMap #
Given a function f : α → β ⊕ γ
, partitionMap f l
maps the list by f
whilst partitioning the result into a pair of lists, List β × List γ
partitioning the .inl _
into the left list, and the .inr _
into the right List.
partitionMap (id : Nat ⊕ Nat → Nat ⊕ Nat) [inl 0, inr 1, inl 2] = ([0, 2], [1])
- List.partitionMap f l = List.partitionMap.go f l #[] #[]
Auxiliary for partitionMap
partitionMap.go f l acc₁ acc₂ = (acc₁.toList ++ left, acc₂.toList ++ right)
if partitionMap f l = (left, right)
- List.partitionMap.go f [] x✝ x = (x✝.toList, x.toList)
- List.partitionMap.go f (x_3 :: xs) x✝ x = match f x_3 with | Sum.inl a => List.partitionMap.go f xs (x✝.push a) x | Sum.inr b => List.partitionMap.go f xs x✝ (x.push b)
mapMono #
This is a performance optimization for List.mapM
that avoids allocating a new list when the result of each f a
is a pointer equal value a
For verification purposes, List.mapMono =
Monomorphic List.mapM
. The internal implementation uses pointer equality, and does not allocate a new list
if the result of each f a
is a pointer equal value a
This tactic, added to the decreasing_trivial
toolbox, proves that
sizeOf a < sizeOf as
when a ∈ as
, which is useful for well founded recursions
over a nested inductive like inductive T | mk : List T → T
- List.tacticSizeOf_list_dec = Lean.ParserDescr.node `List.tacticSizeOf_list_dec 1024 (Lean.ParserDescr.nonReservedSymbol "sizeOf_list_dec" false)
- ⋯ = ⋯